Wednesday, September 25, 2013

2k Six Russ Mk. II

So, I've gotten some feedback on my list from a few different websites and friends. While the reviews have been generally positive I'm not thrilled by them. I'm thinking about going an alternative route of having mounted squads in Chimeras working in support of the Russ. This is the list below. Please comment your thoughts.

Primaris Psyker x2

Veteran Squad - Plasmagun x3
Chimera - Hull Heavy Flamer and Turret Multilaser

Veteran Squad - Plasmagun x3
Chimera - Hull Heavy Flamer and Turret Multilaser

Veteran Squad - Plasmagun x3
Chimera - Hull Heavy Flamer and Turret Multilaser

Veteran Squad - Plasmagun x3
Chimera - Hull Heavy Flamer and Turret Multilaser

Vendetta Gunship

Thunderer Siege Tank

Thunderer Siege Tank

Leman Russ Demolisher - Hull Heavy Bolter

Leman Russ Demolisher - Hull Heavy Bolter

Leman Russ Executioner - Hull/Sponson Heavy Bolters

Leman Russ Exterminator - Hull/Sponson Heavy Bolters, Heavy Stubber, and Knight-Commander Pask

Battle Plan- In early game, the Chimera basically hid behind the armor and work in support of it. Veterans disembark only to claim objectives (9/10th of time at least.) The Vendetta replaces the Quad as my anti-air. The Psykers make for cheap HQs that I don't need to buy a transport for.

A simpler list but every unit in it seems like it has more of a purpose. The other list seemed less focused. Plus, this list plays up the theme of armored advance a lot more. I can hear the creaking of treads now.

Monday, September 23, 2013

2k Six Russ Mk. I

I've got a tournament coming up on the 12th of October and I'm determined to go and bring the pain of six Leman Russ tanks with me. Where I'm thinking I'll mix it up will be in the rest of the list. Normally, I'd field a bunch of Chimeras with them but I think I'll tank take a different approach and bubble wrap my tanks with a few infantry. Here's the first draft:

Commissar Lord (Warlord) - Powerfist and Carapace Armor

Primaris Psyker

PCS - Lascannon
Infantry Squad x2 - Flamers and Autocannons

PCS - Lascannon
Infantry Squad x2 - Flamers and Lascannons

PCS - Grenade Launcher x3
Infantry Squad x2 - Flamers

PCS - Grenade Launcher x2
Infantry Squad x2 - Flamers

Thunderer Siege Tank

Thunderer Siege Tank

Leman Russ Demolisher - Hull Heavy Bolter

Leman Russ Demolisher - Hull Heavy Bolter

Leman Russ Executioner - Hull/Sponson Heavy Bolters

Leman Russ Exterminator - Hull/Sponson Heavy Bolters, Heavy Stubber, and Knight-Commander Pask

Aegis Defense Line w/ Quadgun

Battle Plan-
The first two platoons and all six tanks deploy where the Aegis can help them attain cover, with the Thunderers and Demolishers deployed to the flanks to avoid the difficult terrain tests when it comes time to move forward. The Autocannon squads will be on the Quadgun, which is fired by the Commissar Lord (Mr. BS5!) The other two platoons are reserved, or not (as needed), and will make a dash for the objectives, using the orders from their PCSs to either get more lasgun shots or to run faster.

Heavy Armor Deployment

Playing Imperial Guard is a pleasure. Truly, a pleasure. No other army can do the kinds of things the Imperial Guard can do and do them as well as us. It actually serves to make this army unique. One example of this is our ability to field masses AV14 vehicles. Some may ask why this is so fun when the meta still incorporates enough melta and melee to deal with a few measly Leman Russ tanks and I'll respond by stating that those people are clearly not taking enough Leman Russ in their army (I don't take less that 3 above 1k points.)

Two months ago I was in a tournament. The point level was 2500 and I had fourteen vehicles in my army. Five of them were Leman Russ variants (2 Demolishers, a Vanquisher, an Executioner, and a Exterminator) while my sixth heavy support was a Manticore. In each game I found the exact same result and that was the enemy being unable to deal with my heavy armor enough. Sure, I lost 2-3 tanks a game but that didn't matter since I still had 2-3 tanks left!

The durability of my Russ, combined with the amount of pain they can bring if left to their own devices, meant my enemy was in a tough spot. They needed to hurt my armor but had to also thin down my amount of scoring units (8 for those wondering.) This left them with hard choices to make, often leaving both concerns only half done and myself still possessing enough scoring units and firepower to do finish the game on top.

An example:
I went up against a Ravenwing DA list. You guys know the one. It has a LRC with the salvo banner in it. A few cheap tactical squads to hold backfield units and then as many bikes and black knights as possible. A solid, if generic, list. The problem was their inability to face that many tanks and threats at once. I could ignore their backfield for 2-3 turns while my whole army concentrated on the bikes. Missiles couldn't hurt my Russ and the Russ would act as mobile cover for the rest of the army (which was full mechanized.)

Turn 2 Marbo silenced their Lascannon devastators. By turn 3, all of the bikes were dead and I wasn't going to be taking anymore casualties for the rest of the game, baring 3-4 guardsmen. Also, the Vanquisher (a disappointing tank sadly) had been left alone since it wasn't much of a threat to bikes. This gave it plenty of time to kill that LRC, denying the enemy is precious banner just as the guardsmen would start emerging from Chimera to claim objectives.

His melta didn't cut it in only a couple of squads. The Black Knights plasma talons were almost worthless since their only target was AV12 in cover. My tanks plus veterans could then counter attack and make him pay for thinking he was going to be facing space marines.

Who else fields Russ like this (outside of an Armored Company?) Anybody care to share their own experiences?


I used to post on this blog a lot more...not a lot but a lot more. Now I find that it has been years and I'm yearning for a place to put my thoughts once more. Not just WH40k thoughts (though those are most of them) but thoughts on other topics as well. I've cleaned out and redone the layout a bit and decided that this is where I'm going to put those stray thoughts that ache for release.

To those few who may read this, expect a few things:

  • Warhammer Posts: Tactic Ideas/Commentary and Battle Reports
  • Random Posts: Politics, Teaching, and Philosophy (not that I know much about any of those)
  • Fatherhood Posts
I hope I'm at least mildly entertaining to some of you. Please comment as you wish.