Thursday, March 12, 2015

I Have A Problem...

I was going through my miniature collection recently and I realized something...I have an addiction.

I googled "buried in plastic" and this came up. Surprisingly appropriate.

Monday, March 9, 2015


It looks like the comments from my post about the LVO Practice Tournament were from a local troll. I'm leaving them up but I'm also changing the comment requirements. You now have to have a username, since I'm a firm believer that people have the right to face their accuser, and I am moderating comments from now on. Sorry if this seems excessive but I like my gaming store to remain untainted by anonymous BS on the internet and it looks like the person is trying to start stuff.
Trolls, amiright?
If you're the person that posted and you have an honest beef, not just starting stuff, please shoot me a message. I'll be glad to talk it out.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

LVO Practice Tournament Report

Ok, this is all a little late, so please forgive my lack of details. It is almost impossible to take notes during a tournament so I'm doing this on memory. That also means that I'll be dividing each game into deployment, early, mid, and late phases and giving the general details from memory.

I took a four Knight list and some Scions for support. I'm convinced that this has a lot of potential.

Whose got the advanced tech NOW tau?