I've got a tournament coming up on the 12th of October and I'm determined to go and bring the pain of six Leman Russ tanks with me. Where I'm thinking I'll mix it up will be in the rest of the list. Normally, I'd field a bunch of Chimeras with them but I think I'll
tank take a different approach and bubble wrap my tanks with a few infantry. Here's the first draft:
Commissar Lord (Warlord) - Powerfist and Carapace Armor
Primaris Psyker
PCS - Lascannon
Infantry Squad x2 - Flamers and Autocannons
PCS - Lascannon
Infantry Squad x2 - Flamers and Lascannons
PCS - Grenade Launcher x3
Infantry Squad x2 - Flamers
PCS - Grenade Launcher x2
Infantry Squad x2 - Flamers
Thunderer Siege Tank
Thunderer Siege Tank
Leman Russ Demolisher - Hull Heavy Bolter
Leman Russ Demolisher - Hull Heavy Bolter
Leman Russ Executioner - Hull/Sponson Heavy Bolters
Leman Russ Exterminator - Hull/Sponson Heavy Bolters, Heavy Stubber, and Knight-Commander Pask
Aegis Defense Line w/ Quadgun
Battle Plan-
The first two platoons and all six tanks deploy where the Aegis can help them attain cover, with the Thunderers and Demolishers deployed to the flanks to avoid the difficult terrain tests when it comes time to move forward. The Autocannon squads will be on the Quadgun, which is fired by the Commissar Lord (Mr. BS5!) The other two platoons are reserved, or not (as needed), and will make a dash for the objectives, using the orders from their PCSs to either get more lasgun shots or to run faster.