Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Elimination Tournament - Tanksgiving

A bunch of people in Bakersfield are going to host an eight week, 16 player, single elimination tournament, where you have two weeks to get a game in with your assigned opponent. Losing means you're out. Winning means you continue on.

I'm game :)

I'll be taking the list I've dubbed Tanksgiving Mk. II

Primary Detachment - Imperial Guard
Primaris Psyker

Veteran Squad - Plasmagun x3 with Chimera (Multilaser and Heavy Flamer)
Veteran Squad - Plasmagun x3 with Chimera (Multilaser and Heavy Flamer)
Veteran Squad - Plasmagun x3 with Chimera (Multilaser and Heavy Flamer)
Veteran Squad - Plasmagun x3 with Chimera (Multilaser and Heavy Flamer)

Fast Attack-
Vendetta Gunship

Heavy Support-
Leman Russ Demolisher - Hull Heavy Bolter
Leman Russ Demolisher - Hull Heavy Bolter
Leman Russ Executioner- Hull/Sponson Heavy Bolters

Allied Detachment - Armored Company
Company Command Tank - Vanquisher - Hull Lascannon, Beast Hunter Shells, Artificer Hull, Co-Axil Heavy Stubber

Thunderer Siege Tank
Thunderer Siege Tank

Heavy Support-
Hydra Flak Tank

Aside from fielding Thunderers in IG lists, this is my first real use of Forge World material and I'm a bit concerned about the choices. Many enemies will be shell shocked (*ba dum tss*) by the large amount of AV 14 on the table. The plasma spam means that the Vets cannot be ignored and the Hydra and the Vendetta should be able to keep the sky clear. 

Please comment on this list. Also, for those still patiently awaiting battle reports, I promise to try and get the first posted by Sunday.


  1. You sick individual, I love it. I know if I came across this list I would be in trouble.

    I dont know about tank companies so i cant really comment. But what does a thunderer do?

  2. The thunderer is what happens when a Tech-Priest sees a Space Marine Vindicator, looks at Leman Russ hull and "Eh, I can do better." He then proceeds to take said Russ hull, slaps a demolisher cannon on the front, and says "To the warp with turrets and sponsons."

    Its a sexy beast.
