For those not paying attention, Imperial Knights have kinda become my second love. They're everything, or at least most things, I love about the IG and more. While I have caught a bit of flak for playing them as much as I do (Hey, it could be centstar!) I don't think they're as bad as most people make them out to be, especially given our local meta that is very brutal. Honestly, we don't do casual here.
Of course, that means the FLGS is hosting a 2k 'casual' event. Having gone to one of these before, I can tell you that 'casual', in this case, means that more options are opened up and less restrictions are in place. If anything, it gets more competitive because of that. The big restriction being lifted this time is that players can use 30k, as long as they don't mix it with 40k.
That in mind, I'm running Knight Questoris. House Pelletier will walk!