I wish I could be more exciting. I actually like updating my blog and writing about things and painting and stuff (look ma, I'm articulate!) However, I am as busy as a one armed paper hanger.
I teach high school and my school tried to initiate a new setup this year. Well, it didn't happen. Officially, it didn't happen until the last two weeks before the school year. Well after the staff was sufficiently downsized and transferred to accommodate the direction we were now going in. In order for the schedule to work, I had to sell my preparation period back to the district. The money is worth it but the workload is surprisingly more intense than just having one more period to teach, plan, and grade for.
On top of that, I am just about to start my Master's thesis. My subject is the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War (JCCW), a little known congressional committee that oversaw the Civil War. I feel like such a hipster dealing with this topic since they have largely been ignored in many, many histories on the Civil War even when some discuss them indirectly. "They're an important committee, you've probably never heard of them."
However, being about to start all of this means that I have research, reading (oh boy, the reading!), and get to finish up my other classes that somehow still expect me to give them my full attention (crazy, right?)
This means I have had almost no time for Warhammer 40k and, a hobby I've given almost no time to here, Mage: the Ascenstion (look it up, its the best RPG ever.) Thankfully, I have other blogs (Skulkers Surprise!) to keep me entertained.
I missing gaming.
I'm bored.
Once December hits, I plan on completing my Cadian force, finishing building my knights, and maybe getting them painting.
If you've read to the end of this, three things. First, what the hell is wrong with you? I wrote it and I'm bored. Secondly, what are you up to hobby wise? I need something to live vicariously through. Thirdly, would anybody be interesting in reading about RPG related things in addition to 40k things? I'd be glad to share some Mage related goings on, when I have them, but I do not want to bore people who might come here for hobby related things.
Shown: A One Armed Paper Hanger |
On top of that, I am just about to start my Master's thesis. My subject is the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War (JCCW), a little known congressional committee that oversaw the Civil War. I feel like such a hipster dealing with this topic since they have largely been ignored in many, many histories on the Civil War even when some discuss them indirectly. "They're an important committee, you've probably never heard of them."
However, being about to start all of this means that I have research, reading (oh boy, the reading!), and get to finish up my other classes that somehow still expect me to give them my full attention (crazy, right?)
This means I have had almost no time for Warhammer 40k and, a hobby I've given almost no time to here, Mage: the Ascenstion (look it up, its the best RPG ever.) Thankfully, I have other blogs (Skulkers Surprise!) to keep me entertained.
I missing gaming.
I'm bored.
Once December hits, I plan on completing my Cadian force, finishing building my knights, and maybe getting them painting.
If you've read to the end of this, three things. First, what the hell is wrong with you? I wrote it and I'm bored. Secondly, what are you up to hobby wise? I need something to live vicariously through. Thirdly, would anybody be interesting in reading about RPG related things in addition to 40k things? I'd be glad to share some Mage related goings on, when I have them, but I do not want to bore people who might come here for hobby related things.